How to Apply

Please double check the listing to see which application you should use.

AP Management listings will always note ‘AP’ in the title by the apartment address and always state: *** Applications online with AP MANAGEMENT! ***


North Berkeley Properties Online ApplicationNBP Application

AP Management Online Application: AP Application


Applicants, please read this page thoroughly as it answers most of our common leasing questions.  DO NOT submit an application until you have viewed a unit or received permission to apply for a unit sight unseen.  We do not accept applications to hold on file to notify you when we have a unit you prefer.  Applications that are submitted where the applicant has not viewed the unit will be cancelled.

Applications should be submitted by the potential resident.  Co-signers should not submit an application.  We need an application from the actual person that will be living in unit.

AP Management & North Berkeley Properties:

Both companies are local to Berkeley and co-share the same office space at 2115 Kala Bagai Way.  Although separately owned and managed, both companies started partnering together in 2021 to better serve residents living across all our properties.

North Berkeley Properties is assisting with the listing of AP Management properties but both offices offer full-service property management services (lease signing, accounting, maintenance) to their residents directly.

Leasing Process / Application
Here’s a breakdown of how the application / leasing process will work:

  1. Attend the open house showing for the listed unit if it is occupied.  Times/days may be posted later so please check back online.
  2. Submit applications online – one application for every member of group / each roommate.  Please double check the listing for which company to apply for! NBP Application link: NBP Application (new tab)
    AP Application link: AP Application (new tab)Applications should be submitted AFTER an open house showing (if unit is occupied) OR after you view it via key checkout (if unit is vacant).  Office reviews any completed group applications at the end of each business day and forwards to the owners for review.  Review process may take 2-4 business days.
  3. Accepted applicant group will receive an offer email from the office along with a detailed breakdown of the remaining leasing steps and deadlines.  A separate email will come from AppFolio (to be used to pay the application fee and holding deposit)
  4. Group needs to respond to offer email and can choose to accept / decline the offer via email response within 1 business day.  To accept the office the applicant should pay the $40 application fee and required holding deposit to the AppFolio portal by the required deadline.  Please email back confirming that you accept the offer and have paid the required fees.
  5.  Once the holding deposit is paid the offered unit is temporarily reserved for the applicant group while lease signing is in progress.
    – Note: holding deposit is non-refundable once paid but is used towards the security deposit.  eg: if holding deposit paid is $200.00 and full security deposit is $4,000 – the group only needs to pay $3,800 for remaining security deposit amount)
    – Security deposit is refundable at the time the apartment moves out in the future provided the unit is returned undamaged with no pending balance
  6. Group will have 3 business days to sign the lease electronically via DocuSign and to pay the remaining full security deposit and to submit any co-signer forms or income documentation (if required).
  7. Fully signed DocuSign lease + full security deposit paid = unit is fully leased for the applicant group


  • Every potential occupant of the apartment must submit an application.  For example if you are a household / group of 4x roommates the office must receive 4x applications.
  • If your group has multiple applicants, please list all applicants that are part of your group when prompted in the online application.  Applications must be received by all group members before the leasing staff can review your application.
  • When you apply through AppFolio it will confirm that your application is received and send you a custom link for other group members to use.  This link is OPTIONAL – if your group members do not use the custom application link they can still use the general application link at the top of this page.  The application has a question asking for the names of the other group members and we can use your response to group applications.
  • If your group knows that you have another occupant / roommate but is unsure please note that in your application.  You can put a placeholder ‘extra roommate being searched for’ or ‘2nd roommate’ etc. in the application so your group will receive an offer for this # of occupants.  Please refer to the Roommate Substitution section of our website for info on adding another occupant.
  • Please make sure it is clear what listing you are applying for.  One application can be used to apply for multiple listings (please rank your first, second, etc. choices)
  • There is no hard deadline for submitting applications.  Applications for vacant units will be accepted until the unit is taken off market.  However, during the peak spring / summer leasing season we advise applicants to submit applications within (1) business day of the open house / apartment viewing.  During the busiest time of year, apartments may be rented within 1-2 business days.
  • Our leasing office primarily corresponds via e-mail.  Please make sure this field is accurate and is an email you check frequently.
  • Full-time Students:  Please list the college/university you are attending under “Employment Information”.  You may also note your major, year in school, etc.  “Current Address” can include a dorm or other on-campus housing if applicable.  “Previous Address” may reference your hometown/parent’s address if applicable
  • Non-US Citizens / International Students without a Social Security #: Please note that you are a non-US citizen on the application.  Our leasing office may need to verify or make copies of your I-20 and Visa form once an apartment offer is made.  To bypass the SSN step please just type 111-11-1111 to move onto the next step.

Re-Applying for a Unit:

  • If you have previously applied for a unit and were declined or not offered a unit but would like to re-apply during the same leasing season please email our office at: and provide the unit previously applied for, names of all group members, and the unit you’d like to now apply for.  Please email the same day of an open house so applications can be re-opened.  This is valid only if your stated application information has not changed.
  • Please avoid resubmitting new applications as some owners may try to give priority to reapplicants
  • If adjusting / adding / removing group members please email to clarify this.  Submit new group member applications online and we can manually add them once you provide their full legal name to us.

Processing Fee:

  • There is a $40.00 processing fee per applicant to be paid in order to accept a leasing offer and proceed with the leasing of the unit
  • Application fees are not processed for applicants that do not accept an offer.  In the case of multiple applicants for the same unit only the group offered the unit that chooses to accept will pay the application fee.

Apartment Showings:

  • Single applicants must view the apartment they are applying for – NO “sight unseen” applications will be accepted unless you have previously contacted the leasing office about submitting an application for a unit without seeing it and agree to lease it without viewing the unit in-person.
  • Applicants that are out of the area can have a family member, relative, acquaintance, friend, etc. view the apartment listing for them.
  • Group applicants must have at least one member of their group view the apartment
  • If a group of applicants is offered a unit after an open house, it is based upon the understanding that the group has seen the unit and is ready to move forward and make a decision.  Our leasing department cannot “hold” an apartment to schedule additional showings for the group once an offer has been made.
  • If an applicant that is part of a larger group cannot attend a showing please have another group member take notes or pictures (if okay with current residents) of the apartment during the showing

Co-signer/Guarantor Forms (Full-time Students Only):

  • Full-time students are generally required to obtain a co-signer for the apartment
  • During the application process please make sure you answer the field “Will you receive financial assistance from someone else?”
  • The actual co-signer form is not needed to apply for an apartment listing
  • If an apartment offer is made the co-signer/guarantor form will be required as part of the signing of the lease agreement
  • Any employed/self-employed adult may co-sign for a full-time student resident
  • Please note that co-signer forms must either be notarized by a notary public OR signed by the co-signer in our office in the presence of an employee OR a valid government-issued ID must be attached to the co-signer form

Holding Deposits:

  • Holding deposits range from $100-400 dependent on unit size and demand
  • When the apartment is offered to an applicant they will typically have 1 business day to accept the offer and a 2nd business day to put down a holding deposit
  • We do not collect holding deposits up front and they are only accepted when you receive an apartment offer from us.
  • Holding deposits can be paid via check OR via online portal (e-Check, credit / debit) are accepted.  Please note that every applicant will receive this portal activation from AppFolio and the holding deposit is a group deposit (not individual).  You will see the entire balance due and other payments made by other group members (if applicable).  Please save your login / password as it will be used later on for the security deposit, and for future repairs.
  • Once paid, holding deposits are non-refundable if the leasing process is not fulfilled. If an applicant changes their mind or does not complete the leasing process at no fault of the office / leasing agent the holding deposit is not refunded.
  • If a credit / reference check, denial, etc. prevents us from offering you the unit we will refund the holding deposit.
  • All holding deposit funds will be credited towards the remaining security deposit balance.  For example, if the apartment you apply for has a $2,000 security deposit and you put down a $200.00 holding deposit the remaining deposit balance to pay to during lease signing will be $1,800.00
  • When applicants fulfill their lease term and give proper notice, clean the unit, etc. the entire security deposit is refunded back.

Lease Signing:

  • After an applicant group pays the holding deposit the leasing office will send out a lease via DocuSign.
  • DocuSign leases are sent out via email link to each applicant.  Please use your own link and do not share it as each link is unique and specific to one person.
  • Your group will receive automated emails from DocuSign reminding you to sign.  Please note that everyone receives these automated emails even if someone has finished signing on their end.
  • If you do not receive the link to DocuSign please check your spam folder then contact the office if you still cannot locate the email.
  • If you notice a misspelling of a name or other possible error please contact our office.

Security Deposit:

  • Security deposit must be paid in order to remove the unit applied for from the market and reserve it for your group.
  • Groups and individuals can only pay the security deposit after receiving a formal leasing offer from the office.
  • Payments accepted are personal checks, money orders, cashiers checks, and online portal via AppFolio – eCheck, credit /debit.
  • The same online portal for the holding deposit will be used for the security deposit.
  • For the online portal option an email link from AppFolio will be sent out from the leasing office.  Please note that there is no fee of eCheck but AppFolio does charge a fee for credit / debit cards.  The # on your debit card is different than your checking account #.
  • The security deposit covers damage to the unit and any unpaid fees but is refundable when the apartment vacates as an entire group at the end of the lease term.  Please refer to the move-out section for more information.

First & Last Month’s Rent:

  • The office does not collect first or last month’s rent in advance.  These should be paid during the corresponding month when they are due.  First month’s rent should be paid on or before the day of your move-in.  This is required in order for us to provide the apartment keys.
  • Rent is prorated if your lease start date is mid-month.
  • Please note that the move-in day is calculated as a day of use.  For example, if you are moving in June 15th this means that apartment is being used June 15 – 30 which is 16-days (not 15 days – remember to account for June 15th as the added day).  Rent would be a fractional amount of 16/30 times the normal full monthly rate.
  • A prorated move-out date would also apply should your lease end date be mid-month.

Application Disclosures / Notices per City of Berkeley / State of California:

Please review the City of Berkeley’s smoke-free laws prohibiting smoking in all residential units and interior / exterior common areas.(No Smoking PDF – City of Berkeley).

Pursuant to California law you have tenant screening fee rights, including the right to a copy of your consumer credit report if one is obtained with your screening fee, a refund of any unused portion of the fee and a receipt of the costs of the screening.

Application Fee – City of Berkeley

Tenants in Berkeley are covered under the City’s Tenant Protection Ordinance (BMC 13.79.060). Please review the ordinance and City-provided form here:
City of Berkeley Tenant Protection

General Fair Chance Disclosure:

Ronald V. Dellums Fair Chance Access to Housing Ordinance located online at:
Link to City of Berkeley (New Tab)
City of Berkeley Fair Chance PDF
– paper copies available upon request at the main office.